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小学一年级用英语怎么说 小学一年级英语作文介绍深圳带翻译

时间:2023-03-31 13:51:31 作者: 字数:2142字


小学一年级的英文:first grade of primary school



施So my primary school grade one, but also for the first time on school so successfully conclud推牛于空ed.


And we lived on the phone, but I didn’开云消革曾t know he was in a small class from the first grade to the eighth grade.


In the US, schooling is free from gra向况米毫de 1 to grade 12, and school costs are paid by the c西久环红凯假ities and towns.



1、 小学一年级学生 first grade primary school pupil

2、 小学一年级英语作文 My Dog ; This morning ; My friends and ; My Home

3、 小学一至三年级 the primary grades

4、 美国小学一年级级别 CaretakersLevel

5、 小学一年级的伯格 Nathaniel Berger

6、 在我小学一年级的时候 In my first grade when

7、 小学一年级教室办群公室 Primary one classroom Office


《How to plant flowers马华来运》Do you know how to plant a flower? Let me tell you. First, put the flower seeds into the soil. Next, put it in the sun. And add water often. The其处布究念大n, make sure it gets lots of sun. wait for a sprout. At l导ast, wait for a flower to grow. Its very easy, isnt it? Let us plant more and more flowers. Let u饭村由写句虽落s make the w亮变orld more beautiful.译文:《如何种花》你知道怎么种花吗?让我告诉你.首先,将花种子埋到沙土里.接下来,将花盆搬到阳光底下.要记得经常浇水.然后,确保它有足够的光照.耐心等它发芽.最后,等这花慢慢长起来.这很容易,不是吗?让我们种更多花吧初扩夜.让世界变得漂亮一些.


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